• 4 Things You Should Know About Military Divorces

    When you get a divorce, there are several types of matters that can complicate things. One such complication occurs when one or both spouses are in the military. This can make your divorce much more difficult because there are so many more factors to consider, including moving and deployments. So, if your spouse is in the military, what should you know as you consider divorce? These are four facts to know.

  • Can You Protect Assets During Bankruptcy?

    A common worry for anyone speaking with a bankruptcy attorney is about whether they'll be able to hold onto certain assets. The answer is dependent on several factors, and here's what a bankruptcy lawyer will tell you about your chances. Type of Bankruptcy Courts only sell assets in one type of bankruptcy: Chapter 7 liquidation. If you're restructuring debts in Chapter 11, 12, or 13, the assets will stay in your possession as long as you stick to the court-approved repayment plan.

  • Common Defenses Against Accusations Of Insider Trading

    There are ongoing efforts by the US government to combat incidents of insider trading. If you are accused of this practice, you may be convicted and find yourself with a substantial sentence. You will immediately need to get in contact with a securities law attorney who can help you combat this allegation.  Understanding Insider Trading In the past, insider trading was widespread and legal. Business leaders were allowed to use the information they had access to in order to buy and sell stocks.

  • Understanding The Laws Regarding Tipped Employees In Restaurants: How To Make Sure You're Getting All The Money You Deserve

    When you're working as a tipped employee in a restaurant, you're operating under different labor laws compared to the restaurant's other employees. Unfortunately, some restaurants knowingly violate these laws in order to save money—margins are often thin in the restaurant business, and most employers don't believe that their employees will take legal action against them. If you're a tipped employee in a restaurant, it's important to understand the laws that your employer must follow.

  • Why It's So Important Not To Make A Mistake When Filing Bankruptcy

    If you are preparing to file bankruptcy so that you can get your financial situation under control, you will probably find that it's worth it to work with a bankruptcy law service. One of these services can help you avoid making any mistakes while you're filing bankruptcy. It's important not to make any mistakes when you're filing bankruptcy. If you're wondering why even small mistakes should be avoided whenever possible, consider these reasons why.