• 5 Tips for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Repayment Plan Success

    Are you planning to file bankruptcy using Chapter 13, or repayment plan bankruptcy? If so, you may have many questions about the repayment plan itself. Few Americans are familiar with how bankruptcy payment plans work, and they face many decisions about theirs. To help you find the right plan for your particular circumstances, here are five key tips when drafting yours. 1. Consult an Attorney Technically, debtors may file bankruptcy without the assistance of a lawyer.

  • How To Handle An Employee Class Action Lawsuit Involving Disputed Wages

    A class-action lawsuit is when a large number of individuals choose to band together to file a lawsuit. Occasionally, employees choose to band together to retaliate against their employers through a class action lawsuit. Depending on the state in which you reside, the law might be very favorable toward employees and you might need to contact an employer defense attorney for help. Employee Class Action Lawsuits Involving Wage Disputes A common issue employers might face is when employees dispute wages that are owed.

  • Why You Can Trust Your Car Accident Attorney With Confidential Information

    When you hire an attorney after a car accident to help you with your case, it's important to be honest with your attorney. It's natural to not want to admit something that might be embarrassing, but your attorney is on your side and has ethical obligations that they are required to follow. Your Attorney Must Keep Your Information Confidential You will not have to worry about disclosing information to your attorney because they are required to respect the confidentiality of your case and keep your private information private.

  • Why You Need To Consult With A Trust Attorney When You Have Estate Planning Needs

    If you own property, it's vital to plan how it'll be distributed after your death to protect your heirs from disputes. It doesn't matter whether they're few or many; making inheriting assets easier can give your beneficiaries fewer headaches. To ensure this is done right, you'll need the assistance of a trust attorney. They'll handle your estate planning needs and ensure your wishes are accomplished according to your desire. Keep reading to learn how these lawyers will assist you.

  • How Jake-Braking Can Contribute to an Accident

    In addition to pressing down on their brakes, a commercial truck driver might choose to engage in "jake-braking." This is a type of braking used by a truck to attempt to slow down their vehicle using the engine rather than the brakes. This helps reduce brake wear and tear and is sometimes necessary when the brakes fail. However, some drivers use jake-braking in a way that can lead to an accident.