• Malpractice Cases Involving Infection

    There are several ways you can suffer from an infection acquired in a hospital, that can be the result of negligence of the doctor or the hospital. Infections can be bacterial, fungal or viral, and they can do serious damage to your health and lower the chances of your full recovery. There are, however, some things you should know about a case like this. Difficulties Presented By Malpractice Cases Malpractice by means of infection can happen following a surgery.

  • What Does A Living Trust Include?

    A living trust is a legal document that includes information about your bank accounts, home, and other assets, and transfers these assets to a beneficiary after your passing. You name someone as the trustee, who then takes over the assets if you die. It is often used as a partial substitute for a will, and the trust allows you to avoid certain probate fees. Here is more information about how to prepare a living trust and what it should include:

  • Clarifications To Get Before Signing A Retainer Agreement

    Before you sign a retainer agreement with your attorney, you should read the document and understand the contents of the document you want to sign. Specifically, you should get clarifications on the: Retainer Size The first thing you should know is how much your chosen lawyer is asking for a retainer. Just because you heard that a certain attorney charges X dollars as a retainer does not mean that it is the amount he or she will charge you.

  • What Can You Do About Online Defamation?

    When someone posts something harmful about you online, there is a possibility that you can hold him or her legally responsible. There are some key requirements and laws that help determine just what actions you can take. Here is what you need to know about online defamation. What Is Online Defamation? When someone makes a defamatory statement about you on a social media site or other webpage that is not true, it is considered to be online defamation.

  • How Can You Attack The Validity Of Your DUI Arrest?

    If you've been arrested for driving under the influence, you may be wondering whether there is anything you can do to secure an acquittal or dismissal of the matter. Luckily, there are several ways in which the prosecution may make its case vulnerable to attack. Read on to learn about some common areas in which you may be able to prevail after being criminally charged with DUI. Why poke holes in the prosecutor's case rather than mounting a defense?