• Difficulties With Three Common Bankruptcy Alternatives

    If you are contemplating filing for bankruptcy, then you have probably been advised to try other alternatives first. The problem with these alternatives is that they do not guarantee bankruptcy prevention, and they also have their drawbacks. Here is an overview of three bankruptcy alternatives, and their possible drawbacks: Debt Consolidation If you are contemplating bankruptcy, then one of the options you may be advised to explore is debt consolidation. This is where you transfer your debt to one creditor so that you make regular payments to one entity instead of multiple creditors.

  • 3 Major Mistakes To Avoid After A Motorcycle Accident

    If you ride a motorcycle, you're already aware of the risks associated with doing so. However, simply being aware of the risks isn't enough; you should also familiarize yourself with what you should do and what you shouldn't do after being involved in a motorcycle accident. Of course, your personal well-being should be your first priority, but there are also some specific mistakes you'll want to avoid following a motorcycle accident. Speaking With Anybody But the Police

  • Find Out Why You Need To Discuss Your GERD Diagnosis With Your DWI Lawyer

    If you were recently arrested for driving while under the influence, the fact that you suffer from GERD, (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), is probably the last thing on your mind. However, the the fact is, this rather common medical condition could have a lot to do with your arrest, and even more to do with your defense. This is because GERD can interfere with the results of a breathalyzer test and ultimately make it appear as though your blood alcohol content is much higher than it truly is.

  • Why Motorcycles Riders Face More And Severe Road Risks Than Car Drivers

    Motorcycles face more risks on the road than four-wheeled vehicles. This leads to more accidents and severe injuries. The situation is caused by the unique risks faced by motorcycle riders such as: Difficulties in Visual Recognition Motorcycles are smaller than other automobiles on the road. For example, a car that is switching lanes is more likely to notice other vehicles on the road than a motorcycle rider. Matters get even more complicated for motorbikes coming in from the sides, for examples, at intersections.

  • Addressing Two Questions About Unemployment Appeals

    Filing for unemployment compensation benefits is a legal procedure whose length typically depends on many things such as whether or not you're legally represented, and if you have a clear understanding of the different phases of the process. While it's often recommended to hire a qualified lawyer for this type of motion, you may still be able to get your benefits if you represent yourself at the hearing. This article addresses some of the questions that you might have about unemployment appeals: