• Injury Risks For Home Health Aids

    One of the fastest growing segments in the United States includes home health aides. In fact, for both personal care aides and home health aides, they are 2.5 times more likely to get injured than those in the private and public health field. Knowing this statistic, with the increase in employment in these areas, one would expect many more injuries to start occurring. It is important to identify the risks involved as a home health aide to avoid injuries whether you work as a home health aide or are looking to become one.

  • The Terry Frisk: Its Origins and Three Things to Note

    The origin of the term "Terry Frisk" dates back to 1968. While on a patrol, a police officer noticed three men walking back and forth on the street and paying significant interest in one store. His experience led him to believe that the men were canvassing the store with the intention of breaking into it. He stopped them, identified himself, and found an illegal gun when frisking one of them.

  • 3 Ways To Strengthen Your Injury Claim After A Car Accident

    Getting in a car accident is bad enough, but when you're seriously injured in an accident that you are not at fault for, it can make life very difficult for you. In addition to having to deal with getting your car repaired, you may also miss work, incur large medical bills, suffer through a rough recovery from your injuries, or even live with pain the rest of your life. You are entitled to a monetary settlement from the other driver's insurance company to compensate you when you're injured in an accident that is not your fault, but getting the settlement that you deserve is not always easy.

  • 2 Reasons To Hire An Attorney To Assist With A Vehicle Accident Case

    Hiring a personal injury attorney is going to be one of the best things that you can do following a vehicle accident. A personal injury attorney can help you out by ensuring that you do not take the blame for an accident that you were not responsible for, while also helping you deal with any settlement offers that you may receive: Blame One of the worst parts about dealing with a vehicle accident case is that it is very common for you to be blamed for the accident, even if you were not even remotely responsible for causing the accident.

  • In The Midst Of A Divorce: Temporary Motions For Child Support, Visitation And Custody

    When you are at the beginning of your divorce, things can get unstable quickly. If you have left your marital home because your spouse has asked for a divorce, you may feel that you have to do everything on your own. If you are the spouse who makes less money, you have rights. If you were the stay-at-home parent, you can't be expected to immediately have a job. You should not be bullied by a spouse you are divorcing, who is refusing to pay you child support or alimony.